netlify_lambda 0.1.3

AWS Lambda Runtime

The official Rust runtime for AWS Lambda.

There are two mechanisms available for defining a Lambda function:

  1. The lambda attribute maco, which generates the boilerplate to to launch and run a Lambda function.

The [#[lambda]] attribute must be placed on an asynchronous main function. However, as asynchronous main functions are not legal valid Rust this means that the main function must also be decorated using a [#[tokio::main]] attribute macro. This is available from the [Tokio] crate.

  1. A type that conforms to the Handler trait. This type can then be passed to the the netlify_lambda::run function, which launches and runs the Lambda runtime.

An asynchronous function annotated with the #[lambda] attribute must accept an argument of type A which implements [serde::Deserialize], a lambda::Context and return a Result<B, E>, where B implements [serde::Serializable]. E is any type that implements Into<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>>.

use netlify_lambda::{lambda, Context};
use serde_json::Value;

type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>;

async fn main(event: Value, _: Context) -> Result<Value, Error> {

[#[tokio::main]]: [Tokio]: